Website of the Month: More Than Cloth Diapers

What if you could clothe your baby while saving the environment AND hundreds of dollars a year? At More Than Cloth Diapers, our Website of the Month, you can do just that – find cloth diapers, cloth diapering accessories and healthy environmental options for everyday products.

While sustainable products might seem like a trend that companies are scrambling to adopt nowadays, Laura Beaton founded her entire business on her passion for the environment. The online store has been running since 2008, and recently Laura shared her story with us:

“I’ve always been environmentally conscious. My dad used to call me a hippie “granola cruncher.” Cloth diapers were up and coming six years ago, with new designs – reusable, disposable, not the old squares my parents used on me. I got in at the right time, while they were hard to find – and the more brands I found, the more I wanted to tell other people. If I can save people from throwing stuff in the landfill, that’s awesome.”My target market is now younger moms who are just getting into it – planning outfits around them, even buying designer diapers. But saving money is what really talks to people – you’ll save as much as $400 a year using cloth over disposables!”

“Having my own business has meant I am able to work around my childrens’ schedule – I work mostly at night when they are asleep. Having a 9 month old, a 3 year old and a 6 year old, I run a sleep debt – but it keeps me at home.”

Laura also had some nice things to say about the website builder:

“Getting my business website online was super easy. I have a limited knowledge of HTML, and with CityMax I could just point and click to create my site. It’s easy to receive payment with the integrated shopping cart, but my favorite feature is that when I get an order it shows in my inbox – which I see on my smartphone. Plus anytime I have had a question, support has always answered my questions quickly!”

For the future, Laura is thinking about keeping her business scalable:

“I have been using Facebook networking to market my website, but I also rely on word of mouth – good products sell themselves. I also use select website advertising for my niches. In the future I would love to continue to expand my business and add more products. The long term goal is to have a product I can wholesale from my site.”

“I’m glad I chose something I’m passionate about, because I spend so much time on it. Being a mom while running a business, you do experience hurdles that most people don’t encounter. I often have a baby on my lap while working – my children have sent emails prematurely by accidentally hitting the keyboard!”

We’re proud to have entrepreneurs like Laura who care about the environment. Is there a great story behind your business? We want to feature you! Drop us a line at

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