Ever wonder about your building your online business model? Or have questions about how to grow your customer base? Maybe you want to learn how network like a rockstar?
Womanzworld founder and Forbes.com contributor (plus CityMax.com guest blogger!) Natalie Sisson is holding an exclusive online business coaching program at Womanzworld starting next week.
For anyone from new startups to entrepreneurs in their early years, you will get access to business tools that help you formulate a clear plan of execution and avoid critical mistakes that are common among small business owners. At the end of the 60-day program, you will walk away with a clear vision and message for your target market, access to a set of tools that takes the guesswork out of reaching your revenue goals, and the accountability and structure to take action.
Natalie has also hooked us up with a 20% off code to use – HappyMonday (it expires in 3 days). Don’t miss out! Click here for more info: http://womanzworld.com/startup-academy/