The Monday Five: Quick Hits for Your Small Business

Happy New Year! We’re back in the office and hitting the pavement running. Are you?

Whether you’ve already set out your business goals for 2011 or are still refining them, if you’re like us you might be spending this week thinking about the big picture. Here’s some food for thought as you plan your year:

5 Easy Strategies from Carrie Thru for an incredible 2011. Easy yes, but effective and often overlooked!

Have you taken any calculated gambles lately? This creative jeweller bet that it was going to snow 6 inches, so he could give away diamond rings. Look at the publicity he’s getting!

Whether you’re planning on selling your business for $100 million or $1,000 – here are a few lessons you’ll probably learn along the way.

Jason Fell of talks to pay-per-click expert Perry Marshall’s about Three Tips for Maximizing Sales with Google AdWords.

Did you hear about the restaurant that only serves 24 burgers a day? Barbara Taylor of the New York Times explains why this is a great small business strategy.

We wish you a organized, focused and successful 2011! Don’t forget to join our Facebook Page for more useful articles, tips, and secret goodies just for CityMaxers!