So, it’s my first week here at, and as a dedicated web coach one of my first assignments was to dive right into the easy business website builder. After getting used to making my way around the application and understanding how to take advantage of all the tools available, I’ve found five helpful tips for the newbie user!
1. The “Edit Site” tab will always be your go-to button.
When you sign up for your free 10 day trial, or if you’ve just made your website active, the “Edit Site” tab when you login on the top left beside the “Dashboard” tab is the most important tab for navigating your website. This tab will have five helpful sub-tabs: View Site, My Pages, Add Page, Design, and Domain & E-mail. You will be able to access all your pages here (under “My Pages”), as well as change and customize your template (Under “Design”). This is the best place to keep your website organized.
2. Our Video Tutorials will gladly be your new best friend.
Don’t know how to add an image? We have a Video Tutorial for that! Located under the “Dashboard” tab on the right there is a section titled, “Video Tutorials” – under this heading is 4 sub headings: Getting Started, Information Pages, Communications Tools, and Website Design. You can watch each of the videos in these sections and you’ll see a “Progress” section to the right that monitors how many of the videos you’ve watched in each section. At the end of each section you can take a quiz that will help with becoming an expert at using the easy business website builder!
3. Don’t forget about “Power Tools.”
Looking to earn more revenue? Or add a Google site search box to your page? Or maybe Google Analytics to add tracking pixels to analyze the traffic your website gets? The builder conveniently has all of these tools to add to your website. It’s located under “Edit Site” on the left, under “Power Tools.” These tools will help you optimize the best results for your website.
4. Interact with your customers, fans, or audience! offers a wide variety of pages to add to your website that enables you to communicate with whoever you are trying to connect with through Feedback Forms, Guest Books, and Message Boards. You can find them under the “Edit Site” tab, then “Add Page” tab, under “Communicate/Interact” section. These are a great way to keep in touch with the consumer, visitor, or viewer, and also create helpful feedback for your website.
5. Still have unanswered questions? Or need help with something that’s not in our video tutorials?
There’s a “Support” tab on the right that has some options to help you out, including How-To Guides, Submitting a Support Request, Frequently asked Questions, and even Live Chat with one of our very own Support Agents! Wit. so many options, you’ll be sure to get your problem figured out in no time!
With these five helpful tips, you’ll be able to navigate the application with ease and gain a general understanding of how easy the website builder really is. Remember to have fun with it as well – you’re not going to break anything, so try everything out, and in no time you’ll be an expert website builder!
Justine Zeisman recently joined the team as one of our three new web coaches. When she’s not traveling to exotic locales, you’ll find her studying up on the latest trends in marketing/communications and memorizing the latest Rebecca Black lyrics.
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