Last week, I wrote about blog SEO (search engine optimization) and how a blog can help drive traffic to your CityMax estore. The main point is you have to write a post at least twice a week and then optimize it for search engines.
So, you sit down and get ready to write the most amazing article…and then your mind goes blank.
Let’s face it, it isn’t easy to come up with interesting topics that will mesmerize readers. To help you out, I’ve come up with a list of 47 blog topics:
- Tips related to your product or service (e.g. 8 Tips for…, 10 Ways to…)
- Write about “hot topics” in your industry and how it affects you or your customers
- What inspired you to do your business
- Show off new products that have just arrived and feature the ones you personally like best
- Show photos and/or videos you took at conferences and write about what you learned
- Show photos and/or videos you took at seminars and write about what you learned
- See what’s trending high on twitter and relate it to your business
- Interview someone in person, on the phone or with a list of questions via email
- Write about a mistake you made in your business and what you learned from it
- Write about a good customer experience
- Write about a bad customer experience and what you learned from it
- Read the newspaper and relate popular stories to your business
- Expand on an article you read in a magazine related to your business
- Come up with a list of 10 best blogs for your industry
- Put together a list of best blog posts relating to your industry for the past week or month
- Invite a guest writer to submit a post
- Take a customer question you get asked a lot and post an in depth answer (with pictures and video, even better)
- Have a debate with someone and post both sides of the argument
- Have a contest (have people post a comment to get entered in it)
- Review a tv show, movie, documentary, etc. that has or mentions products/services in your industry
- Compile a list of shows where your products have been seen (show pictures of the scenes)
- See what other blogs in your industry have written about for ideas
- Write about something you did several years ago and how it affects your business now
- Snap pictures anytime you see something your customers or potential customers might be interested in
- Review a book
- Put together a top 10 list of books
- Write about any charity work your business does and why you chose the charity
- Make a prediction about the future of your industry
- Check discussion boards related to your business for topics that have a high number of posts
- Write about how products in your industry have changed over the last 10, 20 or 50 years (it might be humorous)
- Put together a list of events your customers or potential customers might be interested in
- Give tips on what not to miss at upcoming events your customers/potential customers might attend (anything from what speakers to see, where to park, where to eat, where the cleanest washrooms are, which booths to visit)
- Relate your product to an upcoming holiday like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day or Christmas (e.g put together the perfect gift for a father, wife, teenager, etc.)
- Relate your product to an upcoming event like the Olympics, Superbowl, etc.
- Do a case study of how a customer benefited from your product/service (include quotes and photos)
- Write about a scam in your industry that readers should be aware of (e.g. how to identify counterfeit products)
- Write a how-to for something people commonly need help with
- Put together a list of marketing successes and failures in your industry
- Post a list of 5 people you want to meet in your industry and why
- Compile photos from Flickr (do an advanced search for Creative Commons-licensed content only) where your products shown
- Put together a list of resources for your industry or customers
- Write about what happened at a company event, retreat or training session (include photos)
- Write about celebrities who have been seen with your product
- Explain how you’ve had to use creativity in your business
- Write about where you draw inspiration from for your products and services
- Describe how products are typically created and designed
- Write about how laws or government policies might affect your industry and/or customers
There will probably be some days where your writing is stellar and other days when writing anything is tough. Go easy on yourself. Not every article has to be a winner. Remember every post helps you get points with search engines for having fresh content, so no matter what blog topics your write about you’re getting ahead.
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